Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's MY fa-la-la-lifetime!

Well, Bekah and I have been keeping a countdown of the days until break and until Christmas posted on our fridge. Today, the number counting down to Christmas dropped down to the single digits. Yes, my friends, only NINE days until Christmas!! So today I decided that I want to do something Christmasy every day until Christmas day (and hopefully I'll write about it ...keep the spirit alive for posterity and all that).

Today we had the youth group Dirty Santa gift exchange. Brent and I always buy our presents for those at Dollar Tree ...and we continued with the tradition again. I brought a badminton set, and "he" (even though I bought parts of it, put it together, and wrapped it) brought some gag gifts and Puppy Chow. Over all, both gifts were a hit. I measure whether gifts are a hit at exchanges by whether anyone wanted to steal it or not. Both were stolen, so I count the night a Christmas success!! Brent ended up with a Sock Monkey, and I got a $10 gift card to GameStop (I don't exactly shop there all the time, but I still walked away with more than I brought, so success #2)!!

Tomorrow is also my last final of my fall semester EVER!! oh, joy!! Although I feel like my week decided to save the worst for last. Tomorrow we are given two questions. We pick one, and write about it for two hours. I hope I know what I'm talking about, because this one essay will end up being 30% of my overall grade. Ridiculous, I know. But I'm crazy excited for Friday and being DONE with finals!!! Plus, over Christmas, I finally get to do some much-needed wedding planning. Oh, I can't wait!!


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