Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bring on the semester

My first day of classes was today. My LAST first day of classes ...possibly EVER!! Wow, crazy. I'm glad to be back at OC though. I'm excited to get to spend my final semester with my friends and my wonderful fiance. While I'm anxious to graduate, I'm also excited to just enjoy my last semester!!

I've been looking at photographers' blogs today, and I think that I would love to be able to do that for a living ...but I have a LONG way to go to even consider that possibility. I mean, I would need to even START my photography portfolio. But who knows what doors God may be opening for me in the future!! I'm excited to see what my future holds.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bandwagons and Flowers

Well, this is the year. 2010. The year I graduate college, get married, and officially grow up. Until now, I think that I have been in this psuedo-grown-up phase. There are days when I feel really old, and days that I forget I've graduated high school. Usually I remember that I've graduated high school, but there are days that I just don't feel old enough to be graduating college. When did I become the same age as people on TV?? I was watching the Bachelor yesterday, and most of the girls were BARELY older than me!! When did THAT happen?! I mean, I'm really excited for everything that this year will bring!! But it's just crazy to me that this is where I am already. Crazy. Crazy good.

And is it just me, or is EVERYONE getting engaged and married?? When I graduate, I know people getting married every weekend. Now, I'm really excited for all of these people ...but I think that some have kind of jumped on the marriage bandwagon. Um, I don't think that's a bandwagon to just jump on ...it's kind of serious. Just sayin. Think about it, people.